I’m now studying Japanese. I’ve visited this website many times in order to find out the differences between the two languages. And there’s the only thing that I can hardly understand. It’s the way they say the date. In English, we put ”th,” ”rd” or “nd” at the bottom. But in Japanese it’s quite complicated. And I’m finding it hard to memorize them (I can’t understand that they say 20th as Hatsuka). I would appreciate it if you would tell me the effective way to master them all and why they say the date so differently to the way they say the number.
1. どうして日本語の日付の言い方と数字の言い方が異なるのか?
2. どのようにしてそういった覚えづらいボキャブラリーを覚えればいいのでしょうか?
Hi! Thank you for your question and thank you for reading my site. I’m glad you have found it useful.
I want to answer your question in two parts – first, I will talk about why the dates, counters and numbers are different in Japanese, then I will talk about how to memorise difficult vocabulary. I hope my answer is helpful!
As far as I understand, the pronunciation of the cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in Japanese comes originally from Chinese. They are the Sino-Japanese or on’yomi readings of the numbers. The ordinal numbers (一つ、二つ hitotsu, futatsu, etc.) and the dates come from the original native Japanese readings (kun’yomi). Of course, this means we have to memorise twice as many words. I had a lot of trouble memorising the dates in Japanese. Unfortunately, although it is a hassle, it is worth doing because this vocabulary is used a lot in daily conversation.
When memorising the dates, there are only really about 13 words you have to memorise. 1-10, 14, 24 and 20. The other dates are logical as you only need the number plus 日(にち).
- 1st ついたち tsuitachi
- 2nd ふつか futsuka
- 3rd みっか mikka
- 4th よっか yokka
- 5th いつか itsuka
- 6th むいか muika
- 7th なのか nanoka
- 8th ようか youka
- 9th ここのか kokonoka
- 10th とおか tooka
- 14th じゅうよっか juuyokka
- 20th はつか hatsuka
- 24th にじゅうよっか nijuuyokka
The 1st (tsuitachi) is irregular but easy to memorise because it is derived from the old Japanese word tsuki tachi (月立ち). Tsuki (月)means “moon” or “month” so you can remember that “tsuitachi” means “the month beginning”. (At least that’s what Wikipedia says! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_calendar)
The pronunciation of the 20th (hatsuka) comes from the old word “hata” for 20 (I think!). That’s why “20 years old” is not “nijuusai” but “hatachi”.
14th and 24th are just juu + yokka and nijuu + yokka so if you can remember 4th, you can remember the others too.
Anyway, if you can’t memorise them straight away, don’t worry because in my experience most people will understand if you say 一月のいちにち instead of 一月のついたち (January 1st) or whatever. However, native Japanese speakers will say 1月のついたち without fail so even if you can’t remember these words yourself you will hear them in conversation and gradually come to remember them.
Next, I want to give some advice about how to remember difficult vocabulary. In my experience, memorising words as a list doesn’t really work as you end up forgetting them quickly and can’t bring them to mind when you need to use them in conversation. I have always tried to memorise tricky words as part of a sentence. So, in the case of dates, try making sentences incorporating the most difficult to remember dates. For example, “My birthday is January second” (私の誕生日は一月の二日です)、or “February fourteenth is Valentine’s Day” (二月の十四日はバレンタインの日です). If you put the vocabulary into contenxt I think it is much easier to remember. So try making sentences using your friends’ or family’s birthdays and keep practising and repeating them over again. I think it will make it easier.
Some people like to use flashcard programs on their computer or smartphone or even use paper or card flashcards. I think this is a good idea but again, I think it is better to put sentences on the flashcards instead of individual words so you can remember the vocabulary in context.
As you come to learn more Japanese vocabulary you will find it gets easier anyway, as you get used to the sound of the language and your brain connects related words. I also advise spending as much time as you can listening to Japanese – whether it’s podcasts, music, TV dramas or the dialogues that come with textbooks. The more you listen the more you will notice the vocabulary you are trying to learn crop up in conversation.
I hope that helps! I’m sorry I can’t give more specific advice on how to learn the dates. Good luck with your studies. If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
それでは、長くなりましたが日本語の説明に戻ります^^ では一体どうすれば難しいルールの外国語のボキャブラリーを覚える事が出来るのでしょうか?
皆さんは、どのようにしてボキャブラリーを覚えていますか? アドバイスがあれば、是非「ブリティッシュ英語の公式フェイスブックページ」に是非コメントを残してくださいね^^