参考:「イギリス英語でよく使われている posh(ポッシュ)とはどういう意味でしょうか?イギリスの階級社会に関する英語表現 posh(ポッシュ)」
「You’re slightly posh. You definitely like to treat yourself to some of life’s finer things, and probably had a comfortable childhood. You probably went to a pretty decent school and call your daily meals breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Having said that, you definitely wouldn’t be considered properly posh – you don’t walk around in red trousers or Abercrombie hoodies, and you’ve definitely never been hunting or owned your own swimming pool.」
日本語訳:あなたは少しだけポッシュです。あなたは高級なものが好きだし、育ちは楽でした。あなたは結構良い学校に通い、「breakfast, lunch, dinner」という言い方を使っていました。
クイズのリンク:「What Per Cent Posh Are You?」
1. Where did you grow up?
- The home counties (ロンドンの周りの州)
- A city up North (北の都市)
- North or west London (北ロンドン、西ロンドン)
- South or east London (南ロンドン、東ロンドン)
- Wales (ウェールズ)
- A small town in England (イングランドの小さい町)
- Edinburgh (エジンバラ)
- Somewhere else in Scotland (スコットランドの他の町)
- The Midlands (中部)
- A city down South (南部の都市)
- The English countryside (イングランドの田舎)
- Northern Ireland (北アイルランド)
- Abroad (海外)
2. What type of school did you go to?
- State comprehensive (公立)
- Private school (私立)
- Boarding school (寄宿学校)
- Grammar school (入学試験のある公立)
- Academy (専門的な公立)
3. What’s your supermarket of choice?
- Tesco
- Sainsbury’s
- Asda
- Waitrose
- Lidl
- Aldi
- Morrisons
- Co-op
- M&S
- Whole Foods
- Iceland
4. Does your family home have a spare bedroom?
- Yes
- No
5. Does it have a swimming pool or a tennis court?
- Nope, neither (両方ともない)
- We have a pool (プールある)
- We have a tennis court (テニスコートある)
- We have both (両方ある)
6. Have you ever worn red trousers?
- Loads of times (何回も)
- Maybe once or twice (1,2回だけ)
- Hell no (絶対いやだ)
7. What’s your favourite sport?
- Football
- Rugby
- Tennis
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Darts
- Boxing
- American Football
- Basketball
8. What are the three main meals of the day?
- Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Breakfast, dinner, and tea
- Breakfast, lunch, and tea
- Breakfast, lunch, and supper
9. Does your family own an Aga?
- Yes
- No
10. Do you own any tweed?
- Yes
- No
11. How would you say grass?
- With a long “a” (グラース)
- With a short “a” (グラス)
12. How many cars does your family have?
- None
- One
- Two
- Three or more
13. How many houses do you have?
- One
- Two
- Three or more
- Three or more, including at least one abroad
14. What is your drink of choice?
- Beer
- Wine
- A cocktail
- Gin and tonic
- Spirit and mixer
- Champagne
- Whisky
- Shots
- I don’t drink
15. What do you call the toilet?
- イギリス英語で「トイレ」は何と呼ばれているのか?「loo」になるのでしょうか?
- 覚えておくと便利なイギリス英語のスラング:「Bog」、「bog standard」、「get bogged down」の意味と使い方を紹介!
16. Do you have a family crest?
- Yes
- No
17. Can you ride a horse?
- Yes
- No
18. Have you ever been skiing, to the races, or to the opera?
- Yes, all three
- I’ve done two of those
- Just one of them
- No, none of them
19. Which of these would you choose to eat at?
- Nando’s
- Pizza Express
- Wagamama
- Yo! Sushi
- Zizzi
- Wetherspoon’s
- Gourmet Burger Kitchen
- Harvester
20. Have you ever owned clothes made by Jack Wills, Abercrombie & Fitch, or Hollister?
(あなたはJack Willsや 、Abercrombie & Fitchや、 Hollisterというブランドの洋服を持った事がありますか?)
- Yes, loads of them (沢山持っているよ)
- Only a few things (少しだけ持っている)
- No, never (持った事ない)